Joint Pain


Have you recently experienced sudden hip or knee pain? Or have you been in chronic joint pain for quite some time and are ready to get back to feeling better? An integrative approach for joint pain with us might just be what you need for overall wellness. Here's everything to know about the different integrative therapies for joint pain.

What is Joint Pain?

Joint pain can affect one or several joints in your body, including the shoulders, wrists, knees, elbows, and hips. Pain in the joints can either be acute or chronic in nature and can be caused due to several diseases or illnesses such as:

  • arthritis
  • viral infections
  • gout
  • fractures
  • runner's knee and other knee injuries
  • bone and joint infections
  • sprains

What Are the Benefits of Integrative Medicine and Therapy for Joint Pain?

There are multiple benefits to undergoing therapy for treating joint pain. Integrative medicine involves a variety of therapeutic, non-narcotic, and sometimes, minimally invasive treatments and works by stimulating the body's innate healing mechanisms.

This can help patients increase their wellness levels, improve functional mobility of their joints, and enhance their quality of life.

What to Expect During an Integrative Joint Pain Session

If you've never had an integrative joint pain session, you might be wondering what to expect during your first appointment. A certified physician at Chris Strickland will begin by asking you a comprehensive set of questions to determine your current health, including symptoms and joint pain severity. From there, your doctor will provide a treatment plan that's right for you based on your lifestyle and health needs.

Effective joint pain treatments require an accurate evaluation and prompt care using safe, effective techniques.

For more information about joint pain, contact Chris Strickland at (706) 769-9779.

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